Designer Options
Learn to perform various actions on the designer account, set commission and access the Designer Admin Panel.
After you add a designer next is to set up their commission, manage the commission, and edit the designer details if required. Understand the various Action options of the Designer.

- A button to view a summary of the designer details such as commission, the number of templates created, sold templates, and other basic designer details.

- Here, you can edit the designer's details, or change their payment details (if required).
- For every sold template (the one created by designer) you can set up a commission. On the Setup Commission dashboard, you can set a common commission for the designer or set a product wise commission.
- The commission can be in percentage or a fixed amount.
- If the product-specific commission is not configured, then the common commission will be applied to calculate commission.

- After your customer buys templates created by your designer they’ll receive a commission (in percentage or fixed amount). This is the dashboard from where you can manage the commission of every designer.
- You can mark a commission paid, unpaid, or cancelled using the Action menu.
- Select one or more orders to perform bulk actions.

If you are reluctant to add commission designer wise or product wise then you can anytime set up a common commission for all the designers.
Go to Admin >> Business Partners >> Designers >> Common Commission button (top-right corner)

Here, you can always set a common commission for designers in percentage or amount. For the designers whose product commission is not set the system will consider this common commission.
The designer’s Admin Panel summarizes all their details, such as total commission earned, the paid commission, number of templates created and sold, etc.
- Switch to customer – This will take the designer on their customer account (if they are existing customers).
- My Templates – Show a list of all the templates created by the designer.
- Add New Template – This will allow designers to add a new template into their portfolio by filling a few template details. The process to add template is the same as mentioned in the User Manual.
- Commission and Template Sales Report – Designer can view their commission report and template sales report by applying filters just like the Admin.
- Page Layouts and Month Week Layouts – This will only appear if Calendar, Photobook, and Book Product are enabled on the website.