Visual Proofing Work Flow in Admin
Consider a product order of Standard Business Card, where an order is placed and the customer has uploaded the design.
Now, the Admin will find a Modify Design button under the order update section on the Order Product Details.

Just like the regular modified design flow, Admin will find the option to Upload Design or Select User Design.
Here, Admin can upload the modified design and put some comments regarding the updates made in the design.

Ask for Approval – This will allow the Admin to ask for the customer’s approval before finalizing the design. If enabled the system will automatically change the Order Status to Awaiting Approval and the toggle of visual proof will appear.
Visual Proof – This will enable the Visual Proof Tool and customers will get an option to view the design changes made in the proofing tool.
Here, the Admin will get an option to select user design (i.e. the designs created by the customer who has placed the order). However, they’ll have the option to select from the designs created by other customers.
Similar to upload a design, you can enable the visual proofing for your customers.

Under the My Orders section, the customer will find the order product status as – Awaiting Proof Approval, along with a button of ‘Review Your Proof’

The button will be redirected to the visual poof screen. The proofing tool includes all sorts of panels which will help the customers to add comments into the design and suggest changes.
- The first one is the Top Panel, it contains highlight, pointer, circle, pencil tool. Along with these there is reset zoon in, zoom out, a color box, and more. Customers can select any tool, point it to the design, and write a comment. These comments will appear in the Comments Section. Use the bin icon to delete any comment.
- There is also a navigation panel provided, which will help the customers switch between different product pages. This will be much helpful for products like calendars and photobooks.
- Lastly, the action panel allows you to save, download, and print the design.

An example showing the use of the highlight tool.

An example showing the use of the pointer tool.

An example showing the use of the circle tool.

Clicking on the Continue button will show customers 3 options –
- Approve – This means the customer is happy with the design shared and looks for no further changes. With this option the order product status changes to Proof Approved, indicating that the Admin can go ahead with printing the design.
- Approve with Changes – This means the proof will be approved automatically once the changes suggested by the customers are made. Here Admin can continue without asking approval from the customer. However, Admin will have the option open where they can ask for the customer’s approval.
- Make Changes & Send New Proof – This means the customer instructs the Admin to share the new design with the changes made.

When a customer chooses – Make Changes & Send New Proof, the order product status changes to Awaiting proof with changes.

Admin Side –
On the Admin Panel, you can view the user comments under the Order Product Details section. There will be a button called User Proof Comments.
This will lead Admin to the Visual Tool created for the Admin. This tool can also be accessed via the Proof Feedback button given in Order History.

The visual tool will enlist all the comments added by the customers.

After making the design changes Admin can again upload the design using the Modify Design button. Here the Ask for Approval and Visual Proof button will be enabled by default as the customer has chosen – Make Changes & Send New Proof. However, Admin can anytime disable the option.

When a customer chooses – Approve with Changes, the order product status changes to Proof Approved with Changes.

Here, also at the Admin side, you can use the Visual Tool created for the Admin and view the changes suggested by the customer.
After making the design changes Admin can again upload the design using the Modify Design button. Here the Ask for Approval and Visual Proof button will be disabled by default as the customer has chosen – Approve with Changes. However, Admin can anytime enable the option and allow the customers to suggest any further changes.

When a customer chooses – Approve, the order product status changes to Proof Approved.

However, still, the Admin can choose to modify the design and send the changes for visual proofing to customers.
Note: The proofing tool can be made available for the customer as a pop-up or can be opened in a new window. Connect with the technical team to make these changes.