Product Module
This enables the admin to restrict customers from purchasing particular items in specific quantities within a given time frame, and customers will receive a warning on the cart page if the product quantity exceeds the set restriction.
For example, if a campaign is ongoing and the admin wants the product to be purchased just once for a specific time period by users, using this functionality will enable this.
We've added settings in the product settings to restrict the quantity limit per cart and per customer.
Restrict quantity per cart - Admin can enable this setting to restrict customers from ordering this product in amounts of the quantity specified.
Restrict order quantity per customer - Admin can enable this setting to restrict customers to buy the number of quatity added based on the time duration.
It does have options for time duration such as All Orders, Yearly, Monthly, and Fix Date.
- All Orders - It will verify the quantity of all orders from the customer's registration date to the present date.
- Yearly - It will verify the ordered quantity for one year from the added date and month.
- Monthly - It will verify the ordered quantity to the added frequency of the month, which should cover the current day and month.
- Fix Date - It will verify the order quantity to the number of days added from the added start date.
If the quantity exceeds the restricted quantity, the customer receives an alert message on the front side of the cart page.
Admin may now overwrite the Product master option title after assigning it to any product. Admin can also overwrite the Option name and attribute name language-wise.
In the Assign Product Option we have added Product Wise Lable Personalization option, This option will only available to the assigned Option and Attribute.
Popup window will available by clicking the "Product Wise Labe Personalization Icon", In that admin can change the Option and Attribute name language wise.
Admin may now duplicate the product master option with the product attribute and price.
In this release, we implemented the following enhancements to the canvas product.
Added foreground/background event - We have now added a new event for just a single canvas. By utilizing this event, customers can see the foreground/background mat in the canvas preview; however, it will not be generated in the print-ready file.
To assign a foreground and background event, the admin must first create a product option for it.
Admin can configure the event in the Admin >> Products >> Canvas Product >> Canvas Tab.
The Background and Foreground events contain many event attributes such as Decor, Color, Custom_Color, and None.
Decor - This attribute allows the admin to submit a decor image for the left and top sides, as well as specify the border width.
Color - This attribute allows the admin to select a color from the color picker or enter the HEX value, with the option to specify the width of the color border.
Custom_Color - This attribute allows the admin to specify the Border width and have the option at the front side to pick the color from color picker.
The canvas preview with the foreground and background mat will appear on the front side if the selected option has the created event.
Background events will only work if the foreground event attribute is selected; it will not work independently.
Add Text object for canvas - Now, in the single canvas product admin can control to give the “Add text” option from the studio setting, In the studio setting we have added one setting "Allowed Max Text To Add" based on this setting Text box can be created based on the added number.
If the setting is set to "zero," the "Add Text" option on the front will be unavailable.
Stock management for canvas products - We have added stock management for all canvas products. Now, the admin can control the stock for the canvas products. The split and multiple canvas stock will be counted as the number of layouts used.
If the admin wants to change all of the system's prices, for example, the admin wants to update product and vendor-associated prices by 10%, we have provided a function in the product price to update all of the prices.
Admin can change the percentage amount for the product and vendor-related pricing.
They may also manage any setup costs or other costs such as hiring a designer, etc.
In the Product Price area, we've introduced a new tab named "Percentage (+/-)" to manage all of the prices.
Once you update the price, It will be having the rollback option till the admin is not logged out or the session is closed.
Video Option - Admin may now upload videos or use embedded code to display videos in the product gallery area. In the Image/Video option, admin can upload images and videos in JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, SVG, MP4 & WEBM formatsand the admin must provide the video's embed URL in the embedded code.
Size option in a gallery setting - We have added a size selection in the refere from option in the gallery settings.
On the product master option and product option screens, the admin may now view the product option key along with the product option title, which helps the admin in identifying the same name product option.
Admin can now edit the product option and attribute key, which will be synchronized to the assigned product, rules, or any dependent section.
In the custom size product, the custom size input value is now stored and displayed if the choice is changed from predefined to custom size again.