Designer Studio

Image/Photo Mask Creation


You can add a mask to a layer and use the mask to hide portions of the layer and reveal the layers below. Masking layers is a valuable compositing technique for combining multiple photos into a single image or for removing a person or object from a photo. This feature will help your customers to edit their photos and designs in a more enhanced way.

Follow the systematic guideline to create a Mask Image using Adobe Photoshop.

1. Create a New File

To start with the mask image creation, create a new file in Adobe Photoshop.

Document image

  • Set height and width of the image as required.
  • Set Color Mode as Grayscale.
  • Set Resolution as 300 DPI.
  • Click on the OK.

2. Design an Mask Image

  • Draw a shape in a way that it fills the entire document.
Document image

  • Fill the created shape with black colour.
  • Mask image is ready.

3. Save Mask Image

  • On the Menu bar click on the File.
  • Click on the Save As.
  • Choose the .png format to save the image.
Document image