Setup Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock is a stock photography service provided by Adobe. It provides designers and businesses with access to millions of high-quality curated and royalty-free photos and vector graphics for all kinds of creative projects.
Its integration into your OnPrintShop solution provides your customers, direct access to Adobe Stock’s services right in the Designer Studio for quick and easy customization of product design. Save your customers' time by purchasing the images separately and using them in the Designer Studio. Your customers can purchase high-quality images from within the Designer Studio itself and use them instantly!
For this type of integration, you will need several tokens (Client ID, Client Secret ID, and more) and began each API session by exchanging the access token. For enterprise organizations, you will need JSON Web Token (JWT) that encapsulated your credentials and began each session by exchanging the JWT for an access token. The JWT encodes all the identity and must be signed with the private key that is associated with a public key certificate.
This article walks you through the steps to set up a Standard and Enterprise Account integration.
The first and foremost step is to sign in to the Adobe I/O Console.

From the home page, create a new project. On the Project page, click on the Edit Project button from the top-right corner:

- Enter the Name of your App and give a brief description about the same and then Save.
In the next step, choose Add API option to access Adobe Services and products via a REST API:

Subscribe to an entitled product, in this case, filter the product by selecting Creative Cloud and then choosing Adobe Stock:

- Click on the Next to proceed.
Enter your integration details such as platform and redirect URI:

- Platform: select OAUTH 2.0 Web as the platform.
- Default redirects URI: enter the redirect URI in the format - https://<yourdomainname>.com/external_service/adobestock/adobestock_callback.php
- Redirect URI pattern: enter the redirect URI in the format - https://www\domainname\\com example - https://www\onprintshop\\com
- Click on the Next and then, click on the Save configured API button.
The next screen will provide you the Client ID i.e. the API Key and Client Secret Key. Click to copy the credentials and move forward with the integration in Admin Panel:

Follow the below steps to generate the access token and configure the client credentials into the Admin Panel.
- On the Admin Panel, go to the Admin >> Store Configuration >> External Service Setting >> Image Library tab >> Adobe Stock:

- App Name: Enter the saved client ID from Step 3.
- Client ID and Client Secret:
- Environment: Choose Environment as Standard.
- Click on the Save.
- Now, click on the Generate Token button:

- Click on login to Creative Cloud and enter your Adobe I/O credentials to log in.
- This will generate the Access Token.
- Enter the Adobe Stock Image Price per Credit in the textbox given. This will add the price to the Customer’s Order Total.
- The price will appear at the Designer Studio in the following manner –

- After entering all the information, again click on the save button, thus allowing your customers to use Adobe Stock images in their design.
The Enterprise Account Integration follows a different approach. You will have to connect with the Adobe Stock support team and they will guide you to gather the following information – Client ID, Client Secret Key, Technical account ID, and Organization ID.
After getting the above details you can follow the steps shown in "!AdobeDocs/adobeio-auth/master/AuthenticationOverview/
Follow the steps to create a public key and configure an API integration, later on, check with the connection.
At the Admin Panel feed all the data gathered from Adobe Stock under the Environment – Enterprise:

- Click on the Generate token button to generate the Access Token and save the details.