Setup Clickatell
Integrate this global messaging gateway with your OnPrintShop web store to engage smartly with your customers. Clickatell is an SMS platform, which is a powerful and scalable communication system. This will enable you to manage your OnPrintShop store more efficiently and communicate well with your customers.
With Clickatell integrated into your OnPrintShop web store, connect with your customers worldwide.
Read the below systematic guide to integrate the Clickatell with your OnPrintShop website.

- After registration, wait for the verification email. This email will have the link to login into Clickatell.
As soon as you access your verification email and click on the Verify Now button, it will automatically login to your Clickatell account and redirect you to the Dashboard.
The integration of Clickatell with OnPrintShop can take place once you create a SMS integration and configure the details in the OPS admin panel. For this, click on the Classic View located at the top header of the dashboard. In the new browser window, the classic view of the Clickatell will appear.
To create an SMS integration app, navigate to the SMS >> Configure SMS as shown below:

As soon as you select Configure SMS, the Get started with SMS page will appear which will look like the below screen:

From here, you can set up the phone number for testing purpose, create new SMS integration, do the testing of the integration created and finally, set up the billing and payments method.
1. Setup your test phones:
This section will add a test phone, which will be used to test our channel integrations and check gateway capabilities before you activate the integration.
Click on the Add test phones button to proceed. The below screen will appear:

In the space provided, select your country code, enter the phone number and click on the Add phone button. Follow the on- screen instruction to complete this step. Once done, the Get started with SMS screen will appear like this:

2. Create an SMS Integration Section:
From the above screen, click on the Create new integration button. This will open a pop-up screen:

- In this section enter the integration details.
- Provide data such as the name and description of your integration, messaging type, delivery type, settings, and select the phone number to complete the integration details.
- Once finished, you will redirected to the main page:

- Copy and save the API key shown on your dashboard to a safe and secure place.
3. Set up Billing Section:
The final step of the integration is setting up the billing and payment methods. Click on the Setup billing button:

Complete the payment details to start the SMS API services provided by Clickatell.
After creating the SMS integration in the Clickatell account, it is time to configure its details in the OnPrintShop Admin Panel. For this, login to the OPS admin panel and navigate to the Store Configuration >> External Service Settings >> SMS Notification TAB >> Clickatell >> ‘Action’ Drop-down >> ‘Edit’ Option:

- API type: Select if the API is new or the old one.
- Username and Password: Enter the Username and password of your Clickatell account.
- API Key: Enter the API key you saved in the Step -3.
- Sender ID: Enter the test phone number here.
- Max. Message Chunk Length: Define the maximum characters for message length.
- Select Country: Select the countries as required.
- Mode: Select the mode as Live from the drop-down.
- Enable Two-way Messaging: Enable two-way messaging, if you have enabled the same in Clickatell API settings.
- Email: enter the email address.
- Save the changes.
For any assistance or in case of any query contact our technical support team at [email protected]