Setup Depositphotos
Give your users the accessibility to use high-quality licensed stock photos, graphics, vectors, and videos together in their Designer Studio. Integrate Depositphotos with simple steps into your OnPrintShop web store.
Read the below systematic guide to integrate Depositphotos in your OnPrintShop website.
- You can Sign up either for personal use or for Business use:

- After creating the account login into DepositPhotos.
- To get started, confirm your email address by clicking the link received in your email.
After login, complete your profile by filling up your profile details. For this, click on the Profile icon at the top-right corner of the dashboard and then select Profile:

- Enter your details and save the changes.
For getting the API key, you need to sign up for the Depositphotos API Program:

Click on the Sign up for the API button. In the next screen, select your API plan:

As soon as you complete the plan selection process, the system will redirect you to the API tab where you can find the generated API Key:

Copy and save the API Key for the next step.
Once you receive your API key, add the key to your Admin panel. Go to the Admin >> Store Configuration >> External Service Settings >> Image Library TAB >> DepositPhotos >> ‘Action’ dropdown >> ‘Edit’ Option:

- Add the API key along with your Username and Password.
- Select the Account Type i.e. Buy ODD or Buy Credit.
- Enter the price for the Depositphotos Images
- Select the Environment and save the changes.