Social Logins and Sharing
Setup Facebook
A fast, secure, and convenient way for users to log into your application. Facebook login makes it easy for your apps to ask for permission to access data. Facebook login improves login rates and gives an enhanced customer experience.
Note: The Facebook login feature works only for the SSL-verified websites. If your website does not hold an SSL Certificate, then it is recommended to get the SSL certification.
Read the below systematic guide to integrate Facebook Login into your OnPrintShop website.
- Login to your Facebook account with your Email ID and Password.
- Otherwise, create a new account on Facebook. (You will need a Developer's account.)
- Click on "My Apps" from top-right corner and then create a New App, using the Create App button:

- On the Create an App, confirm the business portfolio and click on the Next button:
- In the Next screen, select the use case as Other and then click on the Next button:
- Now, select the app type as "Consumer" and then click on the Next button:
- This will take you to the Provide basic information page:
- Enter the App Name and Contact Email.
- Select the Business Account, if you have any.
- Complete the security check and click on the Create App to continue.
- From the Add Product page, locate the Facebook Login and click on the Setup button:
- Select the platform as the "Web":

- Now, enter your website URL:

- Click on the Save then, on the Continue button.
- Submit the further setup process.
- From the left navigation panel, go to App Settings>> Basic.
- Here, you’ll have to fill in details such as - App Domain, Contact Email, Privacy Policy URL, Terms of Services URL, Logo Image, User Data Deletion, and Category of your business:

- In App Domain URL, enter your website link.
- In the User Data Deletion, keep the selection as it is and add the URL of your Domain in the below space.
- Upload app icon.
Note: The links shown above are just for example. Enter all the links related to your store else, you will get an error in the configuration.
- Select the business use of the Facebook tool as – Support my own business.
- The next section is the Data Protection Officer Contact Information. Fill in the form.
- Click on the Save Changes button.
- Copy your App ID and Secret Key from the App settings >> Basics:

- Use the App ID and Secret to integrate the Facebook Login functionality.
- Follow the further steps.
- From the left side panel, click on the Facebook Login >> Settings:

- Enter the link for your user registration page in Valid OAuth redirect URLs as -
- Click on the Save Changes.
- Navigate to the Admin >> Store Configuration >> External Service Settings >> Social Sharing Tab >> Facebook >> ‘Action’ dropdown >> ‘Edit’ option:

- Enter the saved App ID and Application Secret Key.
- Enable the Login Status and Sharing Status.
- Save the details.
- After entering the App ID and Secret Key, the Facebook login functionality will start working. A user will be able to login to your store through Facebook:

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