Designer Studio
PDF Block Template

Virtual Block


This feature helps you use one or more virtual blocks inside a parent block. For example, the Address block name can have House No, Society, Street No, and Locality as a virtual block.

How to create a Virtual Block?

  • In the ‘Text In Studio’ row add the name of your virtual block.
  • Follow Virtual Block pattern as {|yourblockname|}.
  • Use <fillcolor=red><fontsize=14> kind of Tags to fix the styles of virtual blocks.


This is the <fillcolor=red>{|firstname|} & {|lastname|} <fillcolor=black>in text area to be replaced by the user.

Document image


  • font: Add the name of the font to apply to the text. The font must be available in the system. e.g. <font=Arial>
  • fontsize: Add the size of the text you want to apply. e.g. <fontsize=20>
  • fillcolor: the color you want to apply to the text. e.g. <fillcolor=red>
  • fakebold: true/false to make text bold/normal. e.g. <fakebold=true>
  • italicangle: pass angle at which the text should be italic. e.g. <italicangle=-15>
  • underline: true/false To make underline on text. e.g. <underline=true>
  • strokecolor: if underline option is true pass stroke colour for the colour of underline. e.g. <strokecolor=red>
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