Supporting Docs
Custom Art & Logo Maker

Creating Custom Art - Admin


Admin can also create artwork to be displayed at the front end, and upload clipart to create layouts.

Create a new art layout

To create a new art layout, go to Admin >> Templates >> Product Templates >> Art Layouts >> Add:

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Enter the layout details such as Title, Product Type, select Specific Products (if any), and enable the art layout status.

Clicking on Save and Continue will redirect you to the Art Layout studio page.

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Here, you (Admin) can create artwork using text elements, clip arts, and previously created layouts. Click on save and the artwork will be saved in the Art Layout section.

Upload icons for art layouts

You can upload icons to be used in the art layouts from the Admin >> Designer Studio >> Images >> Design Art (tab) and then click on the Add button.

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  • Here, you can upload multiple SVG files for icons at once.
  • You can also select any one category from the ‘Select Category’ dropdown and assign it to all the uploaded SVGs.
  • Once done, click on the ‘Start Upload’ button.