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Imposition - Beta Version

Imposition Schema Manager


Overview & Purpose

You can create, edit, and delete imposition schemas from this section. You can search schemas from the filter provided, click to preview, and perform edit and delete actions on the schemas.

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You can also view the details of the schema such as job size, sheet size, imposition style, and other basic details.

Add Schema

To add a new schema, go to Admin >> Imposition Beta >> Imposition Schema Manager >> Add (Top Right Link):

Schema Details

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Select Size Unit

Select a size unit that you want to use for the new Imposition Schema.

Auto Conversion

Use this checkbox if you want to auto covert Imposition Schema based on the selected size.

Select Sheet Size

Select a sheet size that you want to use for this specific Imposition Schema. You can manage the sheet sizes from Sheet Size Management.


To add Imposition Categories, click on the Plus icon to add the categories for Schemas:

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Click on the Add button to add a new category and then Save the categories. Now, you will get the option to select the category whenever you add any new schema or edit any existing schema.

Job Details

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  • Job height and width – Enter the job height and width. This is the height and width of the individual design to be imposed on the sheet.
  • Top & Bottom margin – Trim margin that will be applicable from the top side as well as the bottom side of the imposition sheet.
  • Left & Right Margin – Margin that will be applicable from both the right and left side of the imposition sheet.
  • All Sides Trim Margin – Separate trim margins for all sides of the sheet.

Marking Details

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  • Cutting Marks - You can select the cut margins of an existing product from the drop-down or define custom margins for the schema.
  • Registration Mark - You can select the registration margins from the drop-down or define custom margins for the schema.

Extra Marks

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Select the position of color and grayscale strips. Also, you can use various variables to display dynamic information on the Imposition Schema.

Using the help provided in the ‘Edit Imposition Schema’, you can set the information to be displayed in the imposition sheet.

Schema Details and Preview

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Imposition Style – This is where you decide how to impose the job that will be placed on the imposition sheet. There are two types of Imposition Styles available:

Printing Style –  This is where you decide how the imposition sheet will be used to print the job.

There are three types of printing styles available:

  • Work & Turn: When using this option, both front and back jobs will be printed on separate sides of the paper.
  • Work & Tumble: When using this option, both front and back jobs will be printed on separate sides of paper but the printing direction of the back page will be just in opposite direction compared to the front side.
  • Self-Back: When using this option, both front and back jobs will be printed on a single side of the paper. Self-Back printing style can again be classified into two types:
    • Self and Back with Work and Turn: Both front and back side jobs will be printed towards the horizontal direction of paper one by one.
    • Self and Back with Work and Tumble: Both front and back side jobs will be printed towards the vertical direction of paper one by one.

Imposition Summary

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Wastage – Portion of imposition sheet which will remain unused.

Action Menu

Edit – A quick link to edit the imposition schema scheme.

Duplicate – Use this link to create a copy of any existing Imposition Schema, you get the option to make the necessary changes and continue.

Manage Layouts – This link will appear only if the ‘Printing Style’ used for the selected Imposition Schema is ‘Self Back’. To create a layout, just enter its title and select from the dropdown for available reference styles. You adjust the front and back sides of the page as well as rotate the pages at 90 degrees to create as many layouts as possible, using the box that will show below the reference styles dropdown. Once the layout is ready, remember to click ‘Save’ to make sure that changes get applied.