Creating Products
Product Options

Master Options


Overview & Purpose

This section will reduce your manpower and allow you to create product options. You can configure Product Options only once and assign them to multiple products.

The main advantage is that in the common product option, you can configure all the possible attributes at once, and then, while assigning them to products, enable only the applicable attributes.

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You can configure product option Pricing based on formulas, Multipliers, Linear Formula, or no price at all. Also, it can configure range-lookup based on Quantity, Area, Total Area, number of sheets, etc.


Add Product Options

You can create a new product option from the Admin >> Product >> Product Options >> Add button.

Here, you need to fill out data for the Product Option, such as type, weight sets, pricing method, presentation settings, add attributes, and description. The description mentioned here will be the same for all the Products to whom the option will be assigned.

Title and Tags

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  • The first element is the option title and tags. Set a suitable title for a product option.
  • Second, assign suitable tags to the options. This will help in categorizing similar product options based on specific criteria e.g. Product type wise. You can anytime click on the plus icon to add a new tag.
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  • To add a tag, click the Add button, enter the tag name, and save.

Option Details

Just like the product-specific additional options, you get to define various settings for the product options.

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Choose the input type for Product Option – there are various input types available namely Radio Button, Dropdown, Checkbox, Textbox, Additional Information - Textbox, Textarea, Admin Only, Upload File, Upload Cloud File, Upload Multiple Files and Date Picker.

Weight Setting

Here, define how the product option weight will be calculated.

  • Multiply with quantity - The weight will be multiplied by quantity. For example, if the weight entered for Attribute 1 is 0.1 and the quantity is 100. The weight will be calculated as – 0.1 x 100.
  • Multiple with quantity and area – The weight will be multiplied by product quantity and product area. For example – if the weight entered for Attribute 1 is 0.1. Then the customer orders 100 product quantities with size 3 x 2.5 i.e. area = 7.5. Now, weight = 0.1 x 100 x 7.5
  • Product-Specific Weight – Weight will be Product-specific.
  • Multiply with Sheet The weight will be multiplied by several sheets. For products with no sheet calculation, weight will be multiplied by quantity.

Option Key

This will be a unique identifier for the product options. This will come in handy while assigning the options to product(s).

Export Order Group

The group data will be used in Order Export Options. Add product option group from – Admin >> Product >> Product Option >> Option Group

Price Settings

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Price Defining Method

The price calculation is quite versatile. We have several pricing options available for product options such as – Formula based, multiplier based, or no price at all.

1. No Price – Do not want to manage any price for this option.

2. Formula-Based – The calculation will be based on the formula as defined. This pricing method is quite open. You can create a custom formula or choose from the one listed in the dropdown. To create any custom formula, use the variables given in the help button. You can anytime add a custom formula, just click on the plus icon and enter the label name for the formula, and then add the formula. Now, this newly added formula will be available every time you set an option-based formula.

  • Range Lookup – When you set the custom formula, you can define how the Product Option price calculation lookup should be done. Depending upon the lookup selected you can create ranges (explained later in the document). The lookup can be done based on the quantity, area, sheet, height and width or page number of the product.
  • Linear Formula – The product price for each quantity within a range varies, the price for each quantity will increase in arithmetic progression. This will calculate the value of intermediate points between two known values using a formula. Thus, allowing you to charge customers the same price for each unit (quantity).

3. Multiplier in Subtotal – The multiplier value of a specific attribute will be multiplied with the product sub-total to get the price. At once only a single option multiplier will be applied to the price.

For example, consider a situation where the multiplier is set in the following manner and these options are assigned to a product–

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Product Subtotal - $1500

If the customer selects Sample Option 1 - Attribute 1. Then the price will be $1500 x 1.5 = 2250

If the customer selects Sample Option 2 - Attribute 4. Then the price will be $1500 x 1.4 = 2100

If the customer selects Sample Option 1 - Attribute 2 and Sample Option 2 – Attribute 3. Then the total price will be $1500 x 2 = 3000

This means that the system will calculate the price of the option whose sort order is found first if the pricing method is "Multiplier in Subtotal".

4. Multiplier in the base price – The multiplier value of attributes will be multiplied by the product’s base price to get the final price.

You’ll get to set a multiplier for each product options attribute while adding attributes.

For example, consider a situation where the multiplier is set in the following manner, and these options are assigned to a product–

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Product base price - $5

If the customer selects Sample Option 1 - Attribute 2 and Sample Option 2 –Attribute 3

Then the option price will be calculated as - $5x 2 + $5 x 1.2 = $17.5

Here, the system will calculate the price of all the options if the pricing method is "Multiplier in Base Price".

Multiple with Custom Textbox

This will list all the product options created as type – textbox. Choose the option(s) to multiply with the price of attributes.

How to add prices for Product Options with Price Setting – Formula Based?

If the price setting is – Formula Based, then you’ll be able to add attribute prices. For this, click on the $ like symbol on the Product Options page.

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Here, a pop-up will appear to define the attribute prices.

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As the Range Lookup set in Option Setting is Quantity, here you’ll get an intimation stating the ranges should be created based on Product Quantity. This can vary as per your configuration of Range Look-up.

To set the range, click on the Manage Range >> Add Range button:

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Now, the next step is to set prices for the ranges for each attribute. For each range enter the price. All the other option attributes will be listed on the left side. You can switch between the attributes and define prices as per the range set.

Presentation Settings

There are several presentation settings provided for the Product Options. The product options will load with these settings when assigning them to the product, but you’ll have an open room to make changes.

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Some important presentation settings are –

  • Option Label Position - This setting allows the display of the option label as up and down, side by side, up and down with offset, side by side with offset, or the default position set in the product page layout.
  • Display Above Size –This setting will allow you to control the Product Size, based on the options attribute selected. If enabled, then this product option will be listed above the Product Size Dropdown (at the front store) and allow the creation of option rules to control the size.
  • Presentation Group – If there are product options groups, adding the product option in this group will enhance the look and feel of the price calculator.
  • Exclude Setup Cost For Reorder - This setting allows you to include or exclude the setup cost of product options during reorder action.

Setup Attributes of Product Options

In this section add the option’s attributes. Depending upon the product option’s setting there will be several details to fill.

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  • Option Name – The option name to be displayed at the front end.
  • Key - This will be a unique identifier for the product option attribute. This will come in handy while assigning product options to products and other internal purposes.
  • Setup Cost – An additional cost added to the product price.
  • Multiplier – The Multiplier on the value of the specific attribute will be multiplied as per the pricing method defined and will be added to the Option Price.
  • Weight/Material Thickness – The "Weight" will appear only when the Weight Setting is set to – Multiply with Quantity, or Multiply with Qty and Area, or Multiply with Sheet. Additionally, the admin will have the provision to enter the material thickness of the specific attributes that will be considerd duing shipping and package calculation.
  • Production Days – Days required to finish the printing process and deliver the final product.

Add Bulk Data

For adding multiple attributes for product additional options, just click on the Add Bulk Data button and enter the specified field values separated with a comma, and click on the Add button.

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The details added will appear on the main screen.

Product Option Description

This product option description will be displayed according to the Presentation Settings.

Action Buttons

Along with Editing and Deleting the details of selected product options, the admin has the provision to manage the attribute price, sync options, and duplicate options.

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Attribute Price

This is quick link to manage the pricing of the option attributes. Clicking on this link will redirect the admin to the Product Option Price page where depending on the configuration, they can setup the pricing structure.


The Sync option allows you to see how many products the selected product option is assigned to and also gives you the facility to apply any changes made to all the products.

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If you want to create an option similar to a product option, you can do so using the Duplicate action.

Click on the Duplicate option from the Actions menu will display pop to ask you if you want to duplicate the product options as well as its pricing. If yes, you can select both and then Save.

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Manage Stock

There are some options that will require a physical entity and the admin needs to manage the stock of the same. For example, the admin sells Banner products to their customers and it also offers Banner Stand as an option. However, they need to keep and maintain the stock of the banner stand with them.

With the Manage Stock feature in Product Options, the admin can easily manage the stocks of their options.

Designer Rules

Here, you can create as many as designer rules required using the product options.

To create a rule, simply select the product option, select the attribute, and choose settings such as to allow editing on the Additional Option Page, Designer Studio, or Upload Center page. Define the pages and then click on Add to save the rule.

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Page Number – Enter comma-separated page numbers in sequence to hide pages based on the rule created in Designer Studio and Upload Center.

E.g., Consider a product with pages as - Page 1, Page 2, ... Page 10 with sequence numbers like 1, 2, ... 10. And if 3,4 is entered in this field then Page 3 and Page 4 will be hidden based on the rule created.

The system will run a check to find the pages falling at the 3rd and 4th position, then whichever page it gets it will hide it.

Note: These rules will be overridden if there will be any product-specific designer rules i.e. any product-specific rule will be given priority before product option designer rules.

Options Group

The steps to create an option group are the same as creating an option group for an individual product.

Product Options for Canvas

Now, if you have created Product Options for canvas products then you can bind them from this section.

There can be several options possible for canvas products (single, multiple, and split photo canvas) such as Edge Design, Image Effect, Border Thickness, etc. Then why bind the additional options again and again for every product?

You can easily create these product options and then bind them with the pre-defined events (created by OPS Team).

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To bind the Product Options for Canvas, follow the below steps –

  • Select Product Options from the dropdown.
  • Select the pre-defined event (created by OPS Team).
  • Select the event attribute.

Product Option Rules

We have provided the option to create the option rules for the Product Options. To create an option rule, go to the Admin >> Product >> Product Options >> Option Rules (top-right corner)

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Here, all the rules created for the product options will be listed. You can anytime click on the +Add button to create a new rule.

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The steps to create a rule are the same as creating a rule for the product’s additional option.

For Area and Specific Quantity, we have given text boxes where you can define FROM and TO ranges.

Assign Product Option to any product

After creating product options you’ll require them to assign various products as per requirements.

To assign product, go to Admin >> Product >> Action Menu of any product >> Additional Options >> Assign Product Options (button)

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Here, all the product options, created will be listed with their attributes.

You can enable the option status to add to the product. Also, we have kept checkboxes for each attribute, thus giving you an open room to add the desired option attribute for the product.

At the hover of various elements, you can see the necessary information required such as option type, option key, etc.

You can define the sort order of each attribute, thus controlling the display of product options.

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The multiplier shown on this page will be loaded from the Product Options section. You can overwrite this while assigning the option to any product.

Note: For every product, the multiplier of the Product Option and Sort Order will be considered the one defined while assigning the product option. Any changes made here will not be reflected in the Product Option, it will only affect the product.

Clicking on Show More will display the presentation settings of the product option. The presentation settings will load with the once set white creating the option. Here, you can manage the display settings of the option for a particular product.

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Note: The presentation setting provided during product assigning will be considered for the front store display. If you wish to make any changes in the future for a particular product, then make the changes product-wise. Changing the product options will not reflect on the already assigned product.

Associate Product

We bring the functionality of creating an Associate Product. Here, the admin needs to create a predefined product (associate product) and map/associate it with product options.

Create Associate Product

Navigate to the Products >> Products >> Ready to Buy Products page in the admin panel. The process of creating a Ready to Buy product remains the same. Here, we have created a Banner Stand:

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Create a Product Master Option

Navigate to the Products >> Products >> Product Options page. The process of creating a master option remains the same. Here, you need to create a master option that you want to map with the associated product. We have created the below master option with Yes/No attributes:

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Associate Product

Once you are done with creating the master option, click on the Associate Product button from the Product Options page. From the Associate Product Page, click on the Add button:

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Create the Associate product as described below:

  • Title: Enter the title/name for the Associate Product.
  • Product Options: Select the Master option and the attribute based on whose selection this product will be associated. (Map your product with the selected attribute of the master option)
  • Quantity Multiplier: Describe the multiplier in numbers here. This should be the quantity of the associated product added against one product added at the store front.
  • For example; if on the addition of one banner, 2 banner stands should be added, then you should enter 2 in the blank space.
  • Associate Product: Select the predefined product (associate product) you created. E.g. Banner Stand
  • Status: Set the status of the product.

Front Store View

At the Front-Store, when a customer chooses banner as the product and selects Yes attribute for the “Do you want Banner Stand?” master option, then its associated product (Banner stand) will be automatically added to the Price Calculator, Product Info Page and Shopping Cart.

Price Calculator

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Shopping Cart

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