Creating Products
Product Actions




Apart from Size, every product has some additional features available. These features vary from product to product. Each additional option will help customers choose the best available version of the product.


This tab of the Product section allows the admin to add one or more Additional Options for the selected product.

Examples of Additional Options can be paper type, lamination options, binding style, etc.

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Add Options

Click on the ‘+Add’ button to an Additional Option for the product.

Title – This title is shown at the front store. Give a relevant name to the additional option, such that a customer easily understands the feature.

Description – Try to write a short description explaining the Additional Option. This will act as a Help section for a customer to understand the Additional Options.

Group (if created) The groups are only helpful to the Admin in maintaining the Additional Options or keeping track of them.

Type – Every Additional option created will have attributes supporting it or some will require only customer input. Here, you can add an Input Type for the Additional Option and later add the Attributes.

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Display in Price Calculator – If this option is enabled then the Additional Option is displayed in the Price Calculator else, it is displayed on the Product Additional Information Page.

Option Label Position (Works on Product Additional Information Page at the Front End Side) This setting allows you to display the options up and down, side by side, up and down with offset, or side by side with offset. The default option available in the dropdown will work as per the Product page layout setting.

Description Position (Works on Product Additional Information Page at Front End) Select the description position for the Product Additional Options Page.

If the option is enabled then the description is displayed in a pop-up with a ‘question mark icon’ parallel to the Additional Option Attributes whereas if not selected then the description is displayed below the option.

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Display Above Size – This option will allow you to display additional options like Label Type, Shape, etc. before selecting a size.

Note: This feature is only available for the Radio and Dropdown input types and will not work if the Hire Designer option is enabled.

If it is enabled then the additional options will be listed above the Size Dropdown (at the front store) and allow the creation of option rules to control the size.

To create Option Rules for such attributes –

  • For option rules, we have added a new rule – Additional Option Based Size Hide.
  • Selecting the rule will list all the additional options attributes with input types such as Radio and Dropdown.
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Hire Designer – Enabling this option will only show the Additional Option when the user selects the ‘Hire Designer Option’ in the Product Design Type.

Exclude Setup Cost For Reorder - Enabling this option will exclude the setup cost configured for the product option via Reorder flow.

Minimum Value and Default Value - For Textbox with/without multiplication, you can provide the minimum and default values. If the default value is less than the minimum value then the default value will not be displayed at the front end.

Set Up Attributes

This section provides additional information i.e. attributes to additional options. Add additional option attributes in different languages, make them default, and give sort order for the same.

Note: For displaying images in the front store, make sure that you have enabled the visual pricing settings from the Product Settings section.

Option Name – This is the attribute name. You can add one or more attribute names depending on the input type and customize your product.

Images – Upload images to support your Attributes. For color attributes, you can add color images or for paper type, you can add an image. This will give the customer a proper visualization of the Attribute.

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After adding the additional option attributes and filling in the required details, click on Save & Continue. The further screen will demand to enter all the attribute prices.

Additional Options Price

For each attribute of the Additional Option created, you can add a price to them. The system combines each additional option attribute with the Size options and allows you to add price.

The pricing method is the same as shown in the Product Price Name. Enter Vendor Price, Admin Mark-up Percentage, and Price.

Add Options Group

Admin will get a chance to enhance the look and feel of the Price Calculator with Additional Options Group. You can arrange the secondary additional options such as lamination, corner, and other fields into primary groups. These primary groups will only be displayed in the Price Calculator with a toggle that will be expandable and managed by the admin. The purpose of these groups is to enhance the UI of the Price Calculator and reduce the hassle of many additional options.

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  • Group Name - Enter the group such as Paper Type, and Lamination Details as per your needs.
  • Use for - Admin can decide where to use the group for Presentation Only, Export Order Data Only, or Both.
    • Presentation Only - The group will only appear in the Price Calculator for a better look and feel.
    • Export Order Data Only - The group data will be used in Order Export Options.
    • Both - the Additional option group information will be used in both presentation and export order functions.
  • Default Expand/Collapse – The display style of the group can be Expanded or Collapsed. See the below image for reference:

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  • Sort – This will allow you to sort the multiple option groups you have created.
  • Option Display Style – This will set a display style for the Additional Options in the group.
    • Default – This will stack all the additional options one after the other i.e. vertically.
    • In-line – This will display the Additional Options in a line, i.e. the options are stacked horizontally, rather than vertically. This will give a clear and concise view of all the Additional Options, saving up a lot of space in the Price Calculator. You also get to choose the number of Additional Options to include on one line from the ‘No. of options in a row’ dropdown.

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Combined Options Price

Create different groups combining product-specific additional options and master options and set up group pricing for the combinations. Creating Combined Options Prices will improve the pricing method.

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  • After you create Additional Options then it is possible to charge customers based on the combination of various Additional Options.
  • Here create a group and select the Additional Options. This will create a combination of Additional Options with different sizes and allow you to enter a price for each combination.

The Default Option is used as a reference i.e. all the properties of the Default Additional Option will apply to this group.

For example -

When the customer places an order, the system will first check the group price. If the group price is not available, individual pricing for the selected product additional options or master options is considered automatically.

Note: Deletion of any additional option may also result in deletion of related additional option group and their pricing.

If there are larger records then you can use the search filter and find the specific records.

Note: For records of more than 2000 entries system automatically makes you download the file. Fill in the necessary price details in the sheet and upload them into the Product Price section.

Quantity-based Additional Options Price for Custom Size Product

You get the provision to set Quantity-based pricing for the Additional Options of Custom Size Products.

In the Action Menu of ‘Additional Options’, we have added a new menu item – ‘Quantity-Based Attribute Price’. This will redirect Admin to the Quantity-Based Attribute Price page of the product.

Here, you can configure the quantity-based price for the different product sizes and additional option-wise. Also, configure prices for different additional options and sizes using the dropdowns provided.

There are two columns – Quantity From and Quantity To, you can define various quantity ranges according to their business needs.

If prices are configured in ‘Quantity Based Price’ in the ‘Price’ tab then on the ‘Quantity Based Attribute Price’ screen, all the quantity ranges configured will be populated only for the first instance and Admin can anytime edit them.

The Quantity-Based Attribute Price button is also available on the Additional Option Price pages of the products.

Manage Designer Rules

After setting up Additional Options; you can set up rules for every additional option created. These rules will apply to the Designer Studio.

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  • Allow Edit On Additional Option Page: Use this option to allow/disallow customers to be able to change the selection of additional options on the Product Additional Information Page after saving the product design in the studio.
  • Hide Product Pages: Set up rules to hide product pages based on Additional Option rules.
    • Select Pages to Hide: Select product page(s) to hide i.e. you do not want the user to create a design. This will hide the pages from the designer studio i.e. the page(s) will be made unavailable at the designer studio.
    • Select Option: Select the product option with which you want to bind this rule. This lists down all the Additional Options created.
    • Select Attribute: Select the attribute of the option to bind this rule.
  • Allow Edit on Studio: The product pages hidden were editable from the Designer Studio i.e. a customer was able to add a hidden product page. Using this you can restrict i.e. allow or disallow your customers from adding a product page on the Designer studio.

Designer Preview Images

Upload preview images for each additional option and its attribute. These images are made available in the ‘Background Section’ of the Designer Studio.

This functionality is useful when you have a product with a variety of folds for the same product type. You can also upload a mask image of each attribute. These images will help the customer in creating a better design.

For example, in the image below you can see for the label/sticker product there is a mask image uploaded for the 'Corn' Additional Option.

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