Payment Request
There can be scenarios when you have received orders from your customers and the payment for the same order is pending and you need to wait till the time customers makes payment before processing their order.
In such scenarios, this section will help you raise payments for the modified orders or orders with more additional options or in case you increase the product quantity. This will send your customers a payment request email. Also, you can send them a reminder for the remaining payments using the same screen.
On the Payment Request screen, you have the option to raise a new payment request, and review the raised, completed, cancelled, or standalone requests.

To raise any payment, go to Admin >> Orders >> List Orders >> Payment Request and simply fill the form of ‘New Payment Request’.

The form will automatically list down the possible order number according to the input. Once you select any order, you’ll get the order payment details along with the order history. Enter the amount, and add remarks if any for the particular request then click on Save button.
Along with raising the payment request, Admin will get the option to define an ‘Order Status’ to which the order status should be changed after the request is marked as paid. The status will be auto-applied to the Payment Request as soon as your customer pays for the payment request for that specific order.
This will save your hassle to find the intended Order ID and manually changing its status on successful payment. Once the customer completes the payment, the order status will automatically change to the defined status. Thus, reducing one step of Admin and increasing efficiency.
If your customer has an active Pay On account, then you’ll also get the ‘Auto Credit Payon’ option for that particular customer. This will easily help you auto-credit your customer’s pay-on account after the payment is done from Customer's Side.
With the "Recalculate Order Due Date" option, the admin can choose to reconsider and calculate the due date for the selected order. To recalculate, the admin just needs to enable the setting. The due date will be recalculated once the customer has made the payment for the raised request.
After you save a form, your customer will receive the notification in their ‘My Account’ section and make payment from there.
All the payment requests raised will be listed in this tab.

The tab will display the order numbers, customer details, request date, amount and comments along with option to take actions. You can perform the following actions on the request(s) using the Action menu.

- Mark as Cancel – cancel the request raised. This will be useful if you or your customer have changed your mind regarding the order modification(s).
- Modify Request – Modify request will let you modify the requested amount and remarks made on the order. This will be helpful if the order gets any further modification, then instead of raising a new request, you can easily edit the original one and continue.
- Mark as Paid – This will complete the payment request and will display the payment request under the completed request tab. It is advisable for you to mark the payments as ‘Paid’, once the customer completes the payment. In the pop-up define the Payment Method, Transaction ID, and add Comments.

- Send Reminder – This will send a reminder to the customer about the pending payments. This will help you in triggering an email again in case a customer forgets to make any payment or delays it.
- Delete – This will simply delete the request.
This tab enlists all the completed requests. You are not allowed to perform any actions on the completed requests.

Cancellation is performed when you want to cancel the payment request made. Due to ‘Cancel Request’ action a customer is asked not to perform an action on the raised request. There is no effect on the previous payments.

If you delete the request, it will be hidden from the system. Deleted requests cannot be recalled or un-deleted.
This tab enlists all the payment requests that are pending to be raised. This will appear when you have assigned a payment term to a customer and the customer has ordered products through partial payment method.

Here, you have the option to raise the payment request for single or multiple payment terms using the checkbox and raise request button.
This tab enlists all the stuck payments. These payments are stuck in the Payment Gateway usually due to bad connection or network and are not marked as complete or fail.

Paid Notification: When the customer makes payment for the payment request you generated, you will receive the notification on the top right side of the Admin Panel (at the bell icon).