Supporting Docs
Setup Store CMS Pages
All the Store Admin can set their CMS pages and header/footer links for their OnPrintShop Store Store.
While setting up store, you’ll find Content Settings. These settings include CMS, Link, Side Bar, Banner, and My Account settings.

- All - The settings applied on the website will be applicable for Store too.
- Only Store - Store Admin needs to create their CMS Pages, set links, manage sidebar and add banners from Store Admin Panel, to display them on the Store Store.
To add a CMS page for a Store, login into Store Admin Panel and navigate to the Content Management >> Contents:

- Here, you’ll find a list of all CMS Pages and Blocks available for the Default Store Website.
- You can opt to Edit a CMS page and set a link. The new link will appear on the Store Store.
- To Edit, click on the pencil-like icon of any CMS page.
- Make the necessary changes and click on Save & Back.
- To set the link, click on link icon against the CMS pages.
- Define the link position, and change other settings.

- Click on Save.
- This will add the CMS page to the ‘Your Page’ list.
- You can just edit the CMS block and save the changes made. This will add the CMS block at the designated location.
From the Store filter, you can view the list of pages created for the individual stores.
To add a header/footer link page for a Store, login into Store Admin Panel.
- Duplicate the default links and set links for the store store.
- Click on the Add button to add a new header/footer link for the store store.

Refer to Header and Footer section to understand how to add header/footer links.
From the Store filter, you can view the list of links created for the individual stores.
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