Store Fields - Use Cases
As discussed in Store Fields, we offer two types of Fields –
User-wise Personalization fields – These types of fields are used to set Customer-Wise data. This data either can be filled in by Store Admin, Site Admin, or the Store Customer as per the setting.
Template Personalization (dropdown) – These types of Store fields are used to set predefined data (common for all Store Customers). Admin sets up this data and then it is available as a drop-down on block templates.
Check the below image where I have created 4 different fields –
- Designation and Profile Image as User-Wise Personalization Fields.
- Address1 and Address2 as Template Personalization Fields.

Note: We will use these fields for further reference.
Whenever you create a user-wise personalized field, it appears in the ‘My Account’ section of every store customer.
Examples of such fields can be – Date of Birth, Date of Joining, Blood Group, Designation, Customer’s Image, etc.
In the ‘My Account >> Store Field’, your Store customers will find all the User-Wise Personalization Fields. They can fill in the details of these fields and get pre-filled templates.

Admin Panel
- On the Admin side, you will have to match the Template Fields Block Name with the Block Name of extra fields created. For example – the block name of Profile Image while creating the Store Field was defined as a profileimage.

- Now in templates, go to Templates >> Product Templates >> Action Menu of Template >> Edit Field Order.

- Enter the block name of the Image block as profileimage.
- Perform the above steps with all the remaining blocks.
Designer Studio

Template-Wise personalized fields appear as a dropdown of options in the designer studio. A store customer can select any of the suitable options from the available options. These options are provided by the Admin, no store customer can alter them.
An example of this field is – Address. The store can have many addresses due to different office locations. Thus, to save your customers from entering their addresses, again and again, every time, you can simply provide a dropdown of all office addresses.
To do so simply follow the below steps in the Admin Panel –
- Create fields with the Field Type – Template Personalization, for example – Address1 and Address2.

- Click on Template Personalization from the top-right corner.
- In the next screen, click the ‘+Add’ button to create your first Template Personalization option.
- In the next screen, enter a Field Title. This title will appear in the Designer Studio.

- When a customer chooses this title, the system will automatically fill the ‘Template Personalized’ fields associated with the title.
- Now, these two options will appear as a dropdown in the designer studio.
- Here we have created two office addresses, one is Indian Office and the other is USA Office.

Designer Studio –
- Here, you can see that the two Template Personalization options – USA Office and India Office appear as options.

- As soon as a customer chooses one profile, the system will automatically fill in the ‘Address1’ and ‘Address2’ fields.