Payments & Currencies
You can provide a payment method to selected customers via a setting configuration.
Click on Edit (edit – pencil icon) of any payment method and select Available To as Default Store or All Stores.
Yes, you can manage the Payment Status. Follow the below steps to manage the Payment Status:
- Navigate to Admin >> Store Configuration >> Payments Method >> Manage Payment Status (Top Right Corner):

- You will be able to manage various payment statuses from this section: add, edit and delete payment status according to your business model.
Yes, we can restrict the availability of a payment method at the checkout page for a specific price range i.e. to the product sub-total before redeeming the coupon or discount. Moreover, select the option “none” for no restriction.
For every payment method, Admin will find this setting – ‘Payment Method Disable Rule’, which contains three options namely None, Greater or Equal To, and less or Equal To.
Admin can set different amounts in different payment methods as per their business model. The disabled Payment Methods will be displayed on the ‘Express Checkout Payment Page’ and ‘Direct Payment Page’.

Yes, you can map Payment Status according to the payment methods.
- To enable this facility, navigate to the Admin >> Store Configuration >> Site Setting >> Store Configuration tab.
- Search “Payment Status” and enable the feature.
- Once enabled, you will find the Payment Status field on the Payment Method Configuration page where you can map the status according to the payment method.
Yes, you can set Processing Fees for payment methods. To enable/disable the Processing Fees configuration navigate to the Admin >> Store Configuration >> Site Setting >> Store Configuration tab and search Payment Processing Fees:

Now, you will be able to find the Processing Fees Configuration from the Admin Panel >> Store Configurations >> Payment Methods >> Processing Fees Configuration (top-right corner):

From OnPrintShop (Admin) you can create partial and full refunds. Check out the Order cancellation and Refund Policy of OnPrintShop.
For third-party payment methods, if the payment gateway integrated provides Refund API and the integration is feasible with our OnPrintShop system then we’ll do the integration and you can do refunds.
Yes, the OnPrintShop system supports all types of currencies. You can add any currency to your store from Store Configuration >> Site Setting >> Currency.
Understand how you can add currencies into your system and how customers can access them.
Yes, you can select multiple currencies for your print store. Just enable the currency’s status and they’ll be displayed at the front store.
- To show the currency widget in the left sidebar, go to Store Configuration >> Sidebar Management >> Side Bar Widget.
- Here, enable the currency widget and all the currencies added, to the store will be displayed.
- If there are multiple currencies added, then the conversions will be done in real-time at the front store (depending upon the conversion rates added by Admin).
- Admin will see pricing data in the default currency.
Yes, you can setup auto detection of currency and language based on the IP. With our "Auto Currency and Language" external services, you can configure the currency and languages associated with a country.
In the ipstack Integration, you need to select the service name (IPSTACK) from the Select Service Name drop-down, enter the access key and add the country, currency and languages.
Once you configure this and enable the service, the system will auto-detect the country for the logged-in user based on their IP addresses and show the respective currency and language throughout the front store.