B2B/Store Module
We are expanding the Store Specific Product Content Overwrite facility to offer more customized and personalized product content management store-wise.
In this release, the store admin can now also add and manage the product title, URL, keywords, product category, and gallery images as well.
Once the store admin logs into their account and goes to the Products listing page, they will be able to see the Actions column with the Gallery option in the dropdown and the Product Categories menu in the left panel:

In the Edit screen, the admin can now add the Product title, URL, and Keywords:

In the Gallery tab, the store admin can add images or videos for the product assigned to the store:

With the Product Categories menu provided, the store admin can now categorize the assigned products as per their requirement:

In the admin panel, all the pricing and costs are displayed in the default currency.
To allow the admin to see the order amount or quote price in the store currency or site currency, we have added a new “Select Currency for Display” setting in the Site Settings:

With this, the admin can now choose to see the orders/quotes in a specific store's currency or the site’s default currency under which the order/quote is placed. When the admin has selected to see the Store-wise currency then, on the order listing page or quote listing page, the pricing will be displayed as per the stores:

There can be scenarios where the admin has multiple stores that are located across different time zones, and they want to manage the sales and orders as per the store-wise time zones.
To allow admin to see the orders, coupons/discounts, etc. in the store-wise time zones, and manage the entire sale and order fulfillment time zone-wise, we’re introducing an option in the Store Settings section to set up the time zone store-wise in version 11.0.
Recognizing that tax or VAT rates can vary based on geographical locations, we have implemented this feature that enables accurate tax calculation for Franchisee and Reseller stores.
The “Tax Calculation based on” setting is made available under the Configurations section of the Individual Stores. To manage this setting, navigate to the Admin Panel >> Store Management >> Stores >> Action Dropdown >> Configuration >> Settings screen >> Search "tax":

Here, the admin will have the option to set the tax calculation as per the default site settings or keep it store specific. On the selection of "store-specific", you will have further options to configure:

After the configuration, the stores will gain access to the Tax/VAT settings in the Store Configuration section and Products Tax/VAT Settings under the Product section:

From v11.0, the super admin will have a provision to check the cost bifurcation of products for all stores.
From the Product's View screen, once the admin clicks on the price calculator icon, the pop-up screen will have the Store filter to select and check the product pricing and its bifurcation store-wise: