Order Section
Till now, the payment of all the Unpaid Orders placed via the Pay on Account method was managed offline. The customer made the payment through some payment gateway, informed the admin about the same, and finally, the admin had to manually update the payment status in the system to give your customers an interface where they can see all their unpaid orders and make payments via the OnPrintShop platform, we are introducing ‘Allow customers to make payment for Payon orders?’ in the Site settings:

Once enabled, a new "Pay for Payon Orders" button will be available on the Pay on Account History” page:

When clicked, customers will find all the payon account unpaid orders listed in the popup:

Note: Only the orders with "Unpaid" payment status will appear in the popup. For this, you can set the Default payment status as "Unpaid" for the Pay On Account payment method.
Customers can select the orders for which they want to make the payment and then click on the Pay button. This will take them to the Add Pay On Balance page to choose the Payment method:

Here, they can select the payment method and then complete the payment process.
The admin doesn’t always generate the invoices and asks for the payment only after 30 days for the orders processed via the Pay On Account method. As per the business requirements, the pay due date can either be once at the end of the month or twice a month (bi-weekly).
For this to be achieved, you will have three options for setting up the Payment Due Date on the Pay On Account Payment editing page:

The Fixed Days option will work as previously, with Bi-Weekly the due date will either be the 15th of the same month or the end of the month whereas with Monthly the due date will be set as the end of the same month.
From the Modify Design page, while uploading files for proofing, the admin will now have two options - Product Page Wise or Multi Page PDF Only:

In the v11.0 release, the existing Proofing Tool code is converted to make Angular-compatible.
To provide your customers with an easy proofing process, the UI along with some new functionalities has been introduced:
- Customers can now add comments page-wise. In the sidebar, only the pages with comments added will be displayed.
- The empty comments will be deleted using the Delete icon without further confirmation from the user.
- All the previous proof history added by the user for the ordered product will be displayed. Users can see all Proofing Comments on the history tab and click on View Proof to see that proof.

Now, the admin will be able to create coupons for recurring events or holidays hassle-free.
On the Add Coupon Discount page, the admin will have the option to select if the coupon they are creating is recurring yearly, monthly or it is for a fixed duration, and the coupons will be available automatically based on the dates or days set:

The admin can now set the blind shipping address for the orders received from the admin panel when requested by their customers.
On the Modify Order page, a new column “Blind Shipping” has been added to allow the admin to set the blind shipping address:

Clicking on the "Select address" link, the system will open the pop-up to select the existing address as the blind shipping address or add a new one.
If you were taking the hassle of adding the same product with some other difference in options, sizes, or quantity, then this feature update is for you.
Now, you can duplicate the order product by adding an offline order during step 2 of adding the product:

You can even duplicate ordered products while modifying the order received using the Duplicate icon:

The payment process through Third-party gateways is simplified by providing an option for currency selection on the payment configuration screen. While configuring, the admin can set the default store currency, store-wise currency, or the logged-in user’s selected currency. This will ease the currency conversion and payment process.
To ease the process of payment via third parties, we have optimized the payment gateway code and created an intermediate page to process the payment. All the individual implemented third-party gateways will have a new intermediate page something similiar to below:

There are times when the order received contains single files but when the admin tries to download the order file, a zip folder is downloaded. To remove this unnecessary step, a site variable has been added. When the site variable is set as ‘true’ and there is only one file for the order, then the file will be directly downloaded without a zip whereas the order with multiple print-ready files will download with a zip but without the Job ticket.
To ease the admin or workflow people to track the orders and update their status using a Barcode from the job board, a common barcode scanner is added to the job board. When accessing the job board using mobile devices, the scanner will allow the admin to scan the order product and update its order product status.