4over Integration
4over is a well-known US-based Trade Printer and provides the API to sync the product with product options and prices.
Features & Benefits
- 4over provides various kinds of products like Business Cards, Post Cards, Flyers, Booklet, Banners, Signs, and many more, which also offers the greatest printing quality and quickest delivery.
- As 4over will manage order processing through the delivery phases, the 4over Integration will assist the admin to fulfill the order.
- In order to keep the user informed about their orders, it offers updates on all the jobs.
OnPrintShop has integrated 4over API and provides the following modules/configuration.
- General Setting – Integrate the 4over API, Add Public and Private keys, and set the live mode or test mode.
- Markup setting – Admin can add the default markup, Bleed Size, and assign default printer.
- Import Status – Use the status from the 4over to the OnPrintShop solution.
- Sync Summary – Displays the list of synced orders with the 4over Job ID.
- Shipping Addresses – There is an option to specify a default shipping address for the 4over, which is utilized as a blind shipping address, and also an option to "Import ship to address from 4over".
- Payment Profile – Payment account detail which is added while creating 4over Account.
- There is an option to sync the 4over product category with the product option and price.
- Admin can re-sync the products and price and check the last sync date.
- Admin can transfer the orders from the OnPrintShop solution to the 4over.
- While transferring to the 4over, the admin can change the shipping and Payment profile, also it will have the option to choose the shipping method.
- The uploaded file will then be checked throughout the file pre-flight flow.
From the 4over system, which syncs to the OnPrintShop system, all order statuses will be updated.
- The admin has the ability to personalize the products that will be shown on the front side.
- From the product settings, the admin may decide which option or attribute option the user can choose when buying the product.
- A combination of 4over products can be assigned to an OPS product by the admin.
- Based on the product size, the admin can choose the default product.
- Product Option Label – This can be used to alter the title of the 4over option attribute.
- Product Option Rules – The admin can create the option rule, from the 4over options, to hide/show any product options.
- Shipping Markup – In order to add the default markup and markup rule for the 4over shipping method, we have provided the option of markup/delivery days to add.
- Ship to multiple address – On the front, we've provided the opportunity to split the product quantity across different addresses and to ship the order to multiple addresses.
- 4over Import Log – This generates a report detailing the status of the 4Over sync products.
To get the Public and Private Access Keys to configure 4over products, you can connect to the Sales representative you deal with or with the OnPrintShop support team.
For the integration in your OnPrintShop store, go to the Admin panel >> Store Configuration >> External Services Settings >> Others tab >> Edit icon from the Action.

Configure the basic Settings for the integration:
- Choose the API Key and add the Public and Private Keys that you received from 4over after completing the registration process.
- Select the mode as "Live" or "Test" for the integration.
- When exporting data to 4over, if you wish to skip the confirmation, set the Skip Confirmation setting to "True," otherwise the confirmation will be sent to the below-added email address.
Configure the Markup Settings:
- Add the default markup in the % value.
- Add the default Bleed Size in the Inch.
- Select a Printer as the Default Printer. This will automatically assign all products synced from the 4over API to the assigned printer.
- Markup Master: We have covered this feature under below sections.
- This allows the admin to import the 4over product order status into the OPS order product status.
- The dropdown includes a list of 4over order product statuses; admin may search the status by name.

- In the "Order Product Status" section, admin can view and manage the imported status of the 4over. In the edit product status screen, the admin can set the status as "internal status" and also select the "customer status," which will be visible to the customer.

- Sync 4over Job IDs: From this admin can redirects to the 4over sync summary page, in which it have the order ID, order product ID, 4over Job ID and Tracking number if added.

- 4over Log: We have covered this feature for the below sections:
After configuring the 4over admin needs to add at least one address which will be used as the shipping label address.

In this, there is an option of "Import ship to address from 4over", which helps the admin to import the addresses from the 4over.
Admin doesn't have the ability to edit or delete the imported addresses from 4over.
It will show a list of credit cards that have been added to the 4over Site.
As soon as you integrate 4over with OnPrintShop, one new menu "4over Products" will be available under Admin >> Products with all the 4over product category listed.
Admin can able to sync the product and product category again from this page.
On top of the page there is an option to sync the product category, Add Markup Master, and Change the 4over Option Label.

This popup interface allowed the admin to create the markup master and use that in the product category.

You can configure markup in two types: Fixed and Dynamic
- In the Fixed markup type, admin can apply a fixed amount of percentage.
- In the Dynamic markup type, admin can apply markup based on the Price and Quantity.
By using this section admin can sync only the 4over Product Category to the OnPrintShop.
After syncing the product category if there are no products found in the specific category then that category will be listed at the last of the page, you can sync that category again by clicking the download icon.

From the list of products there are check boxes provided with each row that will help you to select the multiple categories and perform the action.

Admin can perform two types of actions by selecting multiple product categories: "Move to OPS Product" and "Bleed Size." You may view the following details for each product category:
- 4over Product Category: This contains the name of the 4over's product category, in addition to Edit, View, and Status options will be available only if the product category is mapped to OPS Product.
- Products: This includes the total amount of products synced from 4over in the specific category.
- Last Sync Date: You can see the most recent sync date here, and the icon shows which price or option was synchronized.
- Markup: From the Edit icon you can apply markup for all the product categories and if you want to apply markup for the individual product category then you can do so.
- Synchronization: By clicking the icon the popup window will open, In that, it has the last sync date and option to sync price and option again.
This interface allows the admin to modify the option name and attribute name content that appears in the front end.

The admin can view all of the option labels at first loading, and also they may search for any option in the list, and select which option to change the language for.
In the list, admin may find the below details:

- Option Name: In this admin can view the name of the option.
- Attribute Name: This includes a list of 4over attribute names for the specific options.
- Text Line: This is a list of text that has been added to be displayed on the front side.
- Default: This option helps the admin to select default admin to display on the front side for all the products in which this option is used.
- Action: After altering the text line, the admin can save it by clicking the Save button, and by clicking the Category List admin can view the list of categories in which that product option label is used, also by clicking the URL admin can redirect to that particular product category.

Admin can perform multiple actions for any product category as mentioned below:
View Products
All the products will be displayed here, of the particular product category.

Admin can perform multiple types of action by selecting multiple products:
- Product Options & Prices: This action is to perform the synchronization of the product options and price for the selected product.
- Only Product Price: From this action, only the price can be synchronized for the selected product.
- Disable Product Status: This action helps the admin to disable the status of the selected products.
- Enable Product Status: From this action, the admin can able to enable the status of the selected products.
- Map to OPS Product: This action can be performed to map the 4over products to the OPS Product, To map the product to OPS, OPS product name is mandatory.

Admin have the ability to filter the product list based on selection of multiple product options and attribute.

For Each product admin can see the following details:
- 4over Products: This contains the name, Code, and UUID of the product this will be unique for all the products.
- The icons show product options and price synced or not.
- Product Options: This contains the list of options for the particular product.
- Re-sync Products: From this option, the admin can re-sync the product option and price.
- Status & Default: Admin can enable/disable any of the products, the product which is set to default will not have the option to disable.
- The default product will be shown on the front side by default when the page loads.
- Action: From this user can redirect to the view detail (Product detail) page.

- The product detail page contains product basic details like a product, and UUID, It also contains the Product Option and Price list for the particular product.
Product Settings
This interface is used to change the setting of the Product group and group option.

On the top of the list, there is an option to update the bleed size. For each product option below details can be shown:
- Group Name: This will include the group name for all product options. The cross icon displayed near the group name indicates that this group name is set to hide for the front end.
- Group Option: It contains the list of options contained in the same group.
- The option which is set to default will display as bold.
- The option which is selected to display on the front will display as a grayed out with bold.
- Display in Quote: Admin has the ability to enable/disable the product option to display in a quote.
- Sort: The product option can be sorted by the admin for display on the front side of the pricing calculator, and the admin also has the option to reset the sort order.
- Action: In the action, it will be containing the update group option which redirects to the Edit screen for the particular product option.

- Update Group: On this page, the admin can manage the product option
- Show/Hide Option: This setting is used to show and hide the product option on the front side. When it is enabled, admin will have the facility to display the product options at the front store and it is set to hide, then there will be an option to select the default option.
- Select Product Options: When the Show/hide option is enabled, then the admin will have the option to select the product options. There will be two options to select the product option, “All” and “Selected”
- All: Every product option will be displayed at the front.
- Selected: The admin needs to select the product option from the available list.
- Select Default Product Options: This setting is used to set default option on the front side.
- When a user goes to particular product this option will have the default selected attribute which is configured by admin.
Product setting option is also available in the assigned 4over product to OPS, it will have the same settings option but it will only apply to the particular assigned product.

Product Option Rules
This interface is used to Add and Manage the Product option rules, Product Options rules is use to restrict the product option/attribute on storefront.

Using Add button admin can add new Option rule.
- Rule Name: Enter a Rule name. This is for the reference of Admin. This name is helpful in managing the Rules at the Admin side.
- Select option: Admin can select Product option or multiple product option attribute based on which they want to hide the product option.
- Additional Options: It will have a list of Product options to hide based on previously selected option.

OPS Products
This interface have the list of 4over products that are map to OPS Product.

The interface allows the admin to see the below details:
- OPS Product: This will have the list of product name that is added while mapping the 4over Product to the OPS Product.
- 4over Product: Admin can find the 4over Product list, it shows the code of the product while hovering over the product admin can see the product name, code, and UUID.
- Action: It has the edit and preview option, on the preview, it redirects to the product page on the front side.
- On the Edit, it redirects to the 4over Product listing page Admin >> Product >> 4over Product Listing.
- 4 Over Product listing page contains the list of 4over products and option to assign the 4over product to the OPS Product.
- The admin may search and filter the product list depending on the selection of multiple product options and attributes. It also has a list of already assigned products with the product code, UUID, and product options as well as the ability to set product as the default.

Assign Default Products
This interface have the list of 4over products based on the product size.

Admin can select any product from the product list to make that product default for the particular size.
Here is a video of how you can transfer your orders to 4over platform which we have explained in the later part of the guide:
One new menu "4over Orders Transfer" will be available under Admin >> Orders with all the 4over Product orders.
From this interface admin can transfer the 4over products orders to the 4over, When a customer place an order of any 4over products that order will be display here.

Admin can able to see all the active and completed orders of the 4over products.
On the top, the admin may see "All Order Status Sync," which allows them to sync the order status and tracking number of any of their 4over orders.
It will show all the active orders of the 4over products.

Admin may view the following details for the Active Orders:
- ID: This contains the order and order product ID.
- Images: Admin can view the uploaded artwork from here.
- Product Details: This section covers product information such as OPS Product name, 4over product name and code.
- Payment & Shipping: This allows the admin to view the payment method and payment status, as well as the shipping method details with the shipping price.
- Price will be 4over Price + Markup Price = Product Sale Price
- Production Due Date: It includes the order placed date, order due date, and order product status.
- 4over Order Details: When the order is transferred to 4over, the 4over job Id and 4over price, including 4over shipping and tax, will be displayed.
- Actions: Admin can perform the following actions on orders.
- Order Transfer
- Order Design
- Delete
Order Transfer
From this popup admin can transfer the order to the 4over.

In the popup, admin may view and update the shipping and payment details, and option to enable/disable pickup & local delivery.
The following steps will be followed to transfer orders to 4over.
Step 1: To transfer the order, it will first retrieve the shipping method from 4over. Once the retrieval is complete, it will provide a list of 4over shipping methods, with the one selected while placing the order.
If necessary, the admin can modify the shipping method.

If the admin enables pickup & local delivery options then in the shipping method admin can find the local delivery and pickup shipping method.

Step 2: Once the admin transfer the order the second step is to check the preflight of the added artwork.
If it successfully done then it goes to the order transfer and get the confirmation message.

When an order has already been transferred to 4over and the admin performs this step, the transferred response will be displayed in the popup.

Order Design

The admin may verify the preflight of an already added design from this popup. If the admin wants to download the uploaded design, they can do so by downloading file, and if the admin wants to update the design and submit a new file, they can do so by uploading file.
This option will become available only when the order has been transferred to the 4over.
When the admin clicks on this, a popup alert message will appear.

This list shows all of the 4over orders that have been completed.

The order placed by customer and admin for 4over products can be transferred to the 4over using "4over order transfer"
In the 4over Shipping Method it will have the Markup/Delivery Days setting.

"Markup Delivery Days" help admin to configure 4over shipping markup.

It will have the list of Shipping Type of 4over Shipping Method.
Admin have the following options for the 4over Shipping.
- Default Markup - Admin can enter the default markup in percentage for all the shipping type individually.
- Markup Rule - Admin can define the Markup rule based on the Shipping Amount.
- Max Markup Amount - Admin have the ability to enter a max markup amount.
- Approx Delivery Days - Admin can enter an approx delivery days for the specific shipping type.
Ship to multiple addresses enables customers to make multiple shipments from a single purchase; they can ship one order to different locations depending on the product they ordered.
For instance, if a client has two products in their shopping cart, they can ship each item to a separate address.
Refer the more details on Ship to multiple address from our release guide.
Request a Quote: In the request quote, the admin and front customer can request a quote for the 4over products from the existing product.
Quote order can't be transferred from OnPrintShop to the 4over using 4over order transfer.
Import Log
This report provide information about the import log of the 4over Product.

Admin can filter the report based on the date, import type and import status, It also has an option to search admin can search the from the category name.