Important Configurations

Setup Cookie Consent - Third Party


A cookie consent popup is a banner that appears on websites to request visitors' permission to use cookies. In this manner, the user will be informed of the website's cookie usage and provide informed consent. Cookie popups fulfill the GDPR requirement to obtain consent before setting cookies on a user's device.

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1. Go To Cookies Service Provider

OnPrintShop has standard cookie consent popup but for advance you can use third party service provider. here is the list of service provider.

2. Get the Code from Cookies Service Provider

After registration, the cookies service provider will give you a code to install the cookies functionality into your website.

Copy and save securely the code.

3. Configuration into Admin Panel

To enable the cookies service, you will require pasting the code in Admin Panel.

  • On the Admin Panel navigate to the Admin > External Service Settings > ‘Social Sharing’ Tab > Google Services > ‘Action’ Menu > ‘Edit’ Option.
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  • Under the Settings section, find the ‘Common Footer Script Code’ text block.
  • Paste the saved code from the Cookies service provider.
  • This will enable the Cookies services on your website.
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In case of query, please contact the OnPrintShop support team at [email protected]