Email Marketing
Setup Mailgun Automated Emails
Once you enable Mailgun, the Automated Email Reminder email will be activated. There are several emails listed below:
- No account activity reminder.
- Products in shopping cart reminders.
- Stock reminder to Admin.
- Order feedback reminder to Admin.
- Reward points reminder to the customer.
To find these emails, go to the Admin >> Content Management >> Email/SMS Notifications >> Automatic Email Reminder >> Additional Reminder tab:
Here, enable the emails to send as automatic reminders to your customers.
For editing the content of the email, follow the below steps:
- Click on the ✏ pencil-like icon to edit the email template contents.
- Change the email subject and email content.
- Use the variables given to insert dynamic data on the right side of the screen to include data as desired in the email message.
For Reminder Settings, click on the ⚙ Settings icon to edit the email schedule settings. There are several settings offered for the email templates. For each email template, you can have a different schedule:
- Email Interval – set the duration after which the email should be sent.
- Repeat Notification – set the duration after which the email reminder should be sent again.
- Select Product – select the products for which the reminder should be sent.
- User Type – The email reminder will be sent only to the selected user type.