Setup Trustpilot
Trust Pilot is a third-party review application. With Trustpilot, you'll get reviews from your otherwise silent customers, and more reviews lead to more business. Showcase the trust people have in your brand. Increase conversions and sales by displaying Trustpilot reviews on your website. You can share Trustpilot reviews on your website, email signatures, newsletters or anywhere your customers are looking.
Few features of the Trustpilot are as below: –
- Product Reviews – Product reviews rate the specific products that people buy. When added to product pages they can give your next customer the confidence to click buy now.
- Review Invitations – Automated review invitation emails and reminders make it easy for your customers to leave feedback so you get tons of new reviews for your business.
- Trustbox Widgets – Display Trustpilot reviews on your site with TrustBox widgets. Share Trustpilot reviews on your website, email signatures, and newsletters.
Read the below systematic guide to integrate Trustpilot on your OnPrintShop website.
Visit the Trustpilot website and signup (if you are not already registered), or log in

After you successfully login into your Trustpilot account. Navigate to Showcase >> Website Widgets, you will see a list of Trustpilot widgets.

Select the appropriate widget.
After you select the widget, you will be navigated to the widget details screen.

Here, on this screen specify the widget details and click on the ‘Get Code’ button.
On click of ‘Get Code’ button, a code will be displayed as below:

Copy both the codes and save them for future use.
Now, let’s set a preview email invitation that will be sent to your customers on their purchase for their valuable review.
Step – 4.1 Copy Trustpilot email for Auto-feedback service
In Trustpilot, in the navigation bar go to Get Reviews >> Automatic Feedback Service:

On this screen, you will get your unique Trustpilot email address, which is used to send a Review Invitation email to your customers automatically on their purchase.
You will see your unique Trustpilot email address. Click on the ‘Copy email address’ button to copy it. Save it for future use.
Click on ‘Invitation settings’ and follow the next step.
Step – 4.2 Review Invitation Email Settings
With on click of ‘Invitation settings’ in Step 4.2 or in the navigation bar go to Get Reviews >> Invitation Settings:

Here, select the appropriate templates, configure the required details and save your email settings.
Now, go to the ‘Timing and frequency’ tab from the top:

Here, configure the time and frequency of the review invitation and save it.
At this point, you are ready with the configurations in the Trustpilot system.
Login in to your OnPrintShop Admin Panel. Go to Store Configuration >> External Service Settings >> Reviews tab >> Trustpilot:

In the settings area of this screen, paste the widget code derived in ‘Step 3: Get Widget code’.
- Paste the first code in the ‘Script’ area.
- Paste the second code in the ‘Product Info Review (HTML)’ and Product Listing Review (HTML)’ area.
If your code has an ‘SKU’ in it, remove its value and replace it with ‘{sku}’, as highlighted above, and save.
- Example: data-sku=” t-shirt”, remove ‘t-shirt’ and replace it with ‘SKU’. It will become - data-sku=”{sku}”.
Note: You can keep the same or different widget code in the ‘Product Info Review’ and in the ‘Product Listing Review’ area. Through different codes, different Trustpilot widgets will be displayed on the ‘Product Info’ and ‘Product Listing’ page of the OnPrintShop website. To derive different widget codes perform step 3 for the different widgets.

In the OnPrintShop Admin Panel, go to Content Management >> Email/SMS Notification >> Order Confirmation Email:

Step 1: Click on the ‘Set Email Notification’ icon
Step 2: In BCC, copy the Trustpilot unique email address derived in Step 4.1 and save.
You are all set with the Trustpilot Integration.
Based on the Email configuration in the Trustpilot, your customers will receive a Review Email on their purchase where by simply clicking on the review link they will be able to provide their Reviews.
As soon as the customers add their reviews they will be shown on your OnPrintShop website on the Product Listing page and the Product Info page in the Trustpilot widget format that you have configured for both places.
You can track the review invitation history (i.e. the status of the review invitation email sent to your customers) in the Trustpilot system from Get reviews >> Invitation status: