Setup ZOHO CRM Plus
The Zoho CRM API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication. It uses the Authorization Code Grant Type to obtain the grant token (code). This grant type allows you to share specific data with any application while keeping your usernames and passwords private. This protocol provides users with a secure and easy way to use authentication.
Read along to understand the ZOHO Integration with your application.
- Sign up with your name, email address, and other required details.
- Confirm your account via email and again log in with an email and password.
- If you already have an account then, login into the console and click on the GET STARTED button.
Self Client
- From the Choose a Client Type screen, click on the Self Client type:

- In the next screen, verify the type as "Self Client" and click on the CREATE button. A confirmation message will appear, confirm and click on the OK button.
- You’ll receive the following –
- Client ID – The consumer key generated from the connected app.
- Client Secret – The consumer secret generated from the connected app.

- Save these codes and click the Close button.
Server Based Application
From the main screen, click on the +Add Client button from the top-right corner:

- Click on the Server-Based Applications type:

- The next screen will appear to create a new client:

- Enter the following details
- Client Name – Enter the name of the application you want to register with Zoho.
- Client Domain – Enter the name of your domain to be used in URLs to identify your web page.
- Authorized Redirect URIs - A valid URL of your application to which Zoho Accounts redirects you with a grant token (code) after successful authentication. (Enter your ‘client domain’ in this section)
- Click on the Create button.
- The Client ID and Code will be generated, skip saving these codes and click the Close button.
This is the account where all the synced data from the OnPrintShop Admin Panel will be mapped. To get the Account ID, follow the below steps –

- Click on the ACCESS ZOHO CRM PLUS button.
- This will take you to the Zoho CRM Dashboard. Click on the ‘+’ icon to add a New Account:

- In the next screen enter the account details and click on the Save.
- Now, you can see your Account created on the list.
- Double click the account name to open it:

- You’ll get the Account ID from the URL of the account created. Copy and save the Account ID as shown in the above image.
- This copied Account ID will be used at the Admin Panel of OnPrintShop for configuration settings.
To authorize your application, you need to redirect customers to your application. For successful authorization, you have to obtain the grant token.
There are two ways of obtaining the grant token - Redirection-based code generation and the Self-Client option.
We will use the Self Client option. To get the grant token, follow the below steps

- Click on the Self-Client application:

- In the Scope, enter – ZohoCRM.modules.ALL
- Set expiry as 10 Minutes. This indicates the time the grant token (code) is valid.
- Add a description for the Scope and click on the Create button.
- Make the selection as displayed in the below screen and click on CREATE button.

- This is the Grant Token. Copy and save this code and click Close.
Now, we will configure all the IDs, Secret Key, and Tokens in the Admin Panel. On the Admin Panel, go to the Store Configuration >> External Service Settings >> Accounting tab >> Zoho >> Edit icon:
- Enter the details collected above in the respective fields.
- Make sure you enter all the details within 10 minutes (as the expiry time selected above was 10 minutes) and click on Save.
- As soon as you save the data, the system will generate the Access Token and the Refresh Token, to sync your Admin Panel data into ZOHO.
- Once, the above details are configured your application is ready for one-way communication with ZOHO.(i.e. configured modules data will be pushed from OnprintShop to ZOHO)
Note: This is a one-way integration so, the data (Orders, Customers, Products ) will be pushed from OnPrintShop to ZOHO CRM. After data is mapped, any manual changes to the ZOHO platform (E.g. add/remove customers manually) may lead to a failure of data sync so please avoid any such activity.
The integration of ZOHO and OnPrintShop is mostly one way but for certain modules, we have made two-way configuration.
To push data from ZOHO to OnPrintShop, you will have to configure Webhook into your Zoho Account. Follow the below steps to configure Webhook –
- On the ZOHO CRM Dashboard, go to the Settings (top-right corner) >> Automation >> Action >> Webhooks tab:

- Under the Webhooks tab, click on Configure Webhooks button:

- Fill in the New Webhook form with the required details and click on Save.
For further assistance in Webhooks configuration contact the OPS Support team at [email protected]