ZOHO Books Integration
he Zoho Books allows you to manage your finances, customers, automate your workflow along with working across different departments. Integrate with this end-to-end accounting solution to manage your finances from a single platform.
We offer two-way sync functionality for Order Status and Order Payment Status from the ZOHO Books to the OnPrintShop account and automatically raise invoices for the payments.
Note: With Zoho Books integration, 1000 Data can be synced in a day.
Read along the systematic guide to understand the ZOHO Books Integration with your application:
- Sign up with your name, email address, and other login credentials.
- Confirm your account via email and again login with an email and password.
- If you already have an account then login into the console:

- Click on the GET STARTED button.
- In the next screen, create a new application by selecting the Client Type as Server-Based Applications:


- Enter the following details:
- Client Type – Here automatically ‘Server-based Applications’ will be selected, Keep it as it is.
- Client Name – Enter the name of your application you want to register with Zoho.
- Homepage URL – This is the name of your domain to be used in URLs to identify your web page.
- Authorized Redirect URIs – A URI endpoint of your application to which Zoho Accounts redirects you with a grant token (code) after successful authentication. Add the URl in the format - https://your domain/external_service/zohobooks/Auth.php
- You will be navigated to the next screen, as below:
- Client ID– The consumer key generated from the connected app.
- Client Secret– The consumer secret generated from the connected app.

- Save these codes for future use and click on the Close.
This is the Organization where all the synced data from the OnPrintShop Admin Panel will be mapped. To create and get the Organization ID, follow the below steps –

- Click on the ACCESS ZOHO BOOKS button.
- This will take you to the Zoho Books Home Page where you need to create the Organization:

- On the screen, enter the Organization Name and your Business Location.
- When done, click on the “Let’s get started!”:

- Set up your organization profile and click on the Get Started button.
- Now, you can see your Organization created.
- To get the Organization ID, click on the Organization Name appearing at the top-right corner in the header:

- You’ll get the Organization ID from the My Organization section. Copy and save the Organization ID for future use.
To sync the Sales Orders and Taxes, we need to configure the same in the Zoho Books.
Sales Order
- From the Zoho Books home page, click on the Settings icon from the top-right corner and then click on the Preferences:

- Preferences, select the General Preferences and then check the box for “Sales Order” if not already checked:

Configure GST Settings
- Go to Settings >> Taxes >> Taxes Settings:
- Select ‘Yes’ for the option ‘Is your business registered for GST?’:

- Configure your ABN, Reporting Period, Tax Basis, and choose the date from which you wish to generate your first tax return.
- Save the details.
Note: The above configuration is only required for the Australia Country i.e. if your organization's country is Australia.
- This will update your tax settings that will reflect in your transactions, reports and returns. If would like to file your GST from Zoho Books, you will have to enable online filing.
Configure Tax Rates
- Now, let’s configure the tax rates for this organization. From the same screen, click on the Taxes menu under the Settings:

- Tax Rates under the Taxes and then click on the New Tax button:

- Tax Name: Enter the name for the Tax.
- Rate %: Specify the rate in %
- Tax Authority: Add or select the name of the Tax Authority.
Note: For Australian organizations, this field is not mandatory.
- Click on Save to create the new tax rate.
- You can create multiple Taxes as per the requirement or even group them using the New Group button beside the New Tax button.
Let’s configure all the IDs, Secret Key, and Tokens into the Admin Panel.
- On the Admin Panel, go to the Store Configuration >> External Service Settings >> Accounting tab >> Zoho Books:

- Client ID: Enter the Client ID saved in Step - 1
- Client Secret: Enter the Client Secret saved in Step - 1
- Redirect Uri: Enter the Redirect Uri saved in Step – 1. (The Redirect Uri will be provided by the OPS technical team.)
- Organization ID: Enter the Organization ID saved in Step - 2
- Code: Click on the Connect button from the bottom of the page. It will take you to a web page where you need to click on the Accept button to generate the code:

- As soon as you click on Accept, the system will generate the Code, to sync your OnPrintShop data into ZOHO books.
- API URL: Add the Zoho domain API URL - https://www.zohoapis.com/books/v3/
- API Token URL: Add the Zoho domain API Token URL - https://accounts.zoho.com
- Tax: Select a Tax from the list which will be synced in the OPS for the tax calculation (Taxes created in Zoho Books Organization will be displayed in the list runtime).
Note: Only one tax (if you have multiple) can be synced at a time.
- Invoice Number: Enable this option to enter the Invoice Number manually in the Zoho Books. You need to enable this field, if you have configured the Invoices section in Zoho Books and selected the “I will add them manually each time” radio button in the Invoices >> New Invoice >> Invoice Number Settings screen of the Zoho Books:

- Order Status: The drop-down will list OPS Order Status. Select the status for which you want the OPS Orders to sync in the ZOHO Books.
- Paid Status: When the payment status in the Zoho Books for an invoice is set as ‘Paid’ then, the status selected in this field will be displayed in the OPS for that order.
- Email Status: This field is to send a trigger of the Invoice Payment Request email for the customers to the ZOHO Books system. The field lists OPS Order status, select the order statuses for which the invoice payment request email needs to be sent.
- OPS will send a trigger only when the Invoice status is “Unpaid” in the Zoho Books and if all the order product status in an OPS order matches with the status selected in this field.
Note: OPS will just send an email trigger to the ZOHO Books system. ZOHO Books will send the Payment Request email notification to the necessary customers.
- Sync Order: Choose to sync Sales Order, Invoice, or both.
- Debug Mode: This is for the OPS Technical team testing purposes.
Note: You can enable this option if you find that the sync process is taking more than usual time. Once enabled, it will sync 3 orders, 3 products as well as 3 addresses at a time.
- Once the above details are configured, you are all set to manually sync - Customer, Address, Product and Order by clicking on the respective buttons:

Note: You must sync the above modules in the following sequence only – Customers, Address, Product and last Order.
If the above sync sequence is not maintained then, all sync will fail as the system will not get the required dependent data.
With the Zoho Books Logs functionality, you can view the details of the Products, Orders (Sales Orders), Invoices and Customers synced. On the screen, you can get the IDs from the Zoho Books and OPS for the items synced along with the date and time for sync. For the Invoices, you may know if the email has been sent to the customers:

The Log which appears by clicking on the View button is generally for the OPS Technical Team for the Technical purpose.