Promotional Message
According to your business needs, you will require to timely promote your business, products, services, and offers. Promotional Messages are a type of marketing strategy that businesses develop to promote their products or services.
You can configure a promotional message in any form on your website such as Popup, Slider, Toggle, and Top header. Whatever form it takes, a promotional message is meant to contain a message about a good service that the company is providing.
By default, this section is disabled from the Site Settings. You can enable it with one easy step, go to Store Configuration >> Site Settings >> Search “promotional message” >> Enable/Disable promotional Message Section (Select Yes)
The promotional message listing page shows a summary of the existing messages along with their active status. Use the keyword search option available at the top left side of the page to search for a particular Promotional Content-Message. You can create a new promotional message by clicking on the +Add button. You will also find a direct link to the Site Settings sections wherein you get the flexibility to disable this feature.
We have provided 4 different patterns in which you can create your promotional message – Popup. Slider, Toggle and Top Header. You can get an example of each pattern from the below image.
Admin >> Store Personalization >> Promotional Content/Message >> Add (Top Right Link)
Fill out the form details and click the ‘Save’ button to instantly create a new promotional message.
Various fields in the form are –
Page to be displayed for: Select the page which will display this promotional message. For example, if you select a product page to display the promotional message, the message will only be displayed on that page.
Note: The same page can't be selected again for creating another promotional content/message.
Promotion Pattern: Depending upon the type and width of the message you can easily decide a pattern of the promotional message.
Promotion Message Duration: Every promotional message will have a time duration. Using these date pickers you can choose the start date and end date for the message. Also, you can set a start time in hours and minutes for the message. The promotional message will be displayed for that specific period on the storefront.
For the promotional messages created, you can take further actions by editing the message or delete the same as per the need.
Edit: Quick link to modify the details of existing promotional content/message.
Delete: Whenever in the use-case scenario you feel that this message is no longer in use then you can easily delete it using the delete function.