Store Setup
Store Personalization

Sidebar Management


Overview & Purpose

A sidebar exists on almost every page of the website. It is the one that largely affects the overall customer experience. It also plays a great role in the website's navigation, what user clicks on and how long they stay on the site.

As sidebars help visitors in accessing information quickly, we have provided this section wherein you can improve their experience on your site and increase the conversion of visitors.

Sidebar Management

Use the given interface to enable/disable sections on the right sidebar and left sidebar. From the icon next to each dropdown, you can choose which items to hide under the section.

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With each section, we have also given a brief description stating which URLs are included in the same.

Using Filter by Store dropdown on the top left, you will get the all section list with setting configured by that respective store.

After you make the desired changes, don’t forget to SAVE them!

Sidebar Widget

Every widget on your sidebars allows your website visitors to interact well with your website’s services and features. Widgets aim to fulfill your conversion goals for each specific page.

We have a pre-defined set of widgets listed on this interface wherein you can edit their settings such as their position (on the left bar or right bar), their display time, and their status.

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Action Menu

You can anytime edit the widget setting i.e. change its title, its position on the menus. You can also edit the display timing of the widgets according to your business needs and specifications. Every widget will have its usage, thinking that we have given you various options such that you can set each of your widgets.

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