Discounts/Coupons & Rewards
Combo Discount allows the admin to provide a combo product offer on a set of products. This discount can also be applied to either the Product Base Price or the Product Subtotal (including the Additional Options Price). Whenever the customers add multiple products to their cart, they’ll be notified about the combo discount (if there will be any).
If a combo discount will be applicable on the storefront, the original product price will be highlighted along with the actual discounted price using a red strikeout mark to show the discount applied.
The combo products will be displayed on the product info page. For this, you need to add the 'Combo Products' block in the product page layout.
There are times when Admin wants to add a markup price and it would be wonderfully simple if we could just put a negative number in the discount field.
Following the requirements of Mark-up Price, we have allowed a Negative Discount input into the Coupon/Discount section. Thus, Admin will get the flexibility to use the Discount Module as the Product Markup Module, and create the markup for a product with a few specifications.
The negative value in the discount text box can be used as the product/shipping markup. The system will automatically add the negative amount instead of subtracting it from the product subtotal.
There will be no strikethrough text or signature, thus keeping customers unaware of the negative discount.
The various sections that will be affected by the negative discount are Price Calculator, Additional Option Page, Shopping Cart, Order Modification page, and Offline order page.
The discount/coupons will work in the following manner:
- For the products on which discount is applied, their discounted price will appear with a strikethrough. See the image below:
- To redeem any coupon, your customer will have to enter the Coupon Code on the Shopping cart page:
- For the Combo discount, on the Shopping cart page, your customers will get a Combo Product Discount button. Clicking on the button will display all the products in Combo discount:
Know more about the Discounts and Coupons from the Orders section.
If you are creating a coupon or discount and setting the discount to be offered in Percentage, then you’ll get a textbox of Max. Discount.
In this textbox, you can enter the maximum discount to be offered. You can keep the value zero for no limit.
Yes, you can set the validity for the coupon/discount.
Yes, you have the provision to apply the discount on corporate/private products.
Yes. You can apply a discount/coupon on the Product Price, Shipping Price, or both.
Yes, you have the provision to set coupon/discount on Order Count.
The set order count condition is verified before applying the coupon/discount. The coupon/discount will be applied only if the order count condition is fulfilled. The canceled order will not be considered for the order count.
Here, you need to set 0 to apply coupons for the first order, set 1 for the second order, and so on.
If you are looking to offer store credits to your customer, then use the Reward Module of OnPrintShop. To provide a reward point for Orders Placed or Registration check the steps in Manage Reward Points.
Customers can view their reward points from My Account >> My Reward Points (at the front store).
Your customers can redeem the reward points from their My Account >> My Rewards Points.
Depending on the Rewards Points Settings (as set in Admin Panel) they can redeem the points and create a coupon.
No, we don’t have such provisions.
Yes, you can set the reward points expiry date from the Reward Points Settings.
Note: The expiry date can only be set in Months.
Yes, your customers can split their orders between reward points and a credit card or any other payment method.
The reward point is given in the form of a coupon only, so while placing the order on the cart page customer can redeem the coupon and continue placing the order using any payment method.
Yes, while redeeming the reward points they can redeem only the points required.
For example, if they have 500 points and only need 100 points to complete their next transaction then they can continue with redeeming only those 100 points.
Yes, if the order gets canceled and you need to refund the order amount then you’ll get the option to refund the reward points.
Refer to the Cancellation and Refund to understand how you can refund reward points while initiating an order refund.